What rest means to me

Resting for me is a time to relax physically and mentally so I restore my energy and creativity.

comfycomfy women resting on us made buckwheat hull pillows

Good, restful sleep this past year has been limited for us.

In these pictures I see someone:

  • who hasn’t gotten 8 hours of sleep in years (because of a growing baby)
  • who moved across the country with said baby (during a pandemic)
  • took on managing a small business (without childcare)
  • and a major house renovation (lots of hammering during nap time).

comfycomfy buckwheat pillow made in usa at 210 Teas Syracuse New York

Since good sleep is not always an option, I have become better at resting, and being grateful for the time I rest. Resting is for the times that sleep isn’t possible, but my body can be still. Times like late nights with fussy babies. Or when I have pushed my mental capacity juggling all the parts of daily life, that sleep is impossible.

Let’s start celebrating the times we spend resting.

ComfyComfy woman on buckwheat hull travel and mini pillows

At ComfyComfy we believe that rest is important for your entire being. Physically important to give your body a chance to relax and rebuild. Mentally important to keep your mind open for creative thought and spiritually important to build strength in yourself.

 What does rest mean to you? How do you practice it in your daily life?